Adult Services

Welcome to the Adult Services page of the Lower Providence Community Library website.  Find upcoming Programs & Events, check out our Resources for Readers, and send us your recommendations for books, DVDs, and other materials you would like to have in the library.  Also, please let us know if you have any ideas for programming. We would love to hear from you!

To register for Adult Programs, email Manni McNeil or call the library at 610-666-6640 for the Circulation Desk.

Learn to Crochet

Mondays at 10:15 am.

Jennifer Giese will teach basic crochet skills in this program!

No registration is required, group meets in the community room.

English as a Second Language

Tuesdays from 2:00 – 3:00 pm

Maureen Miller will lead this casual, conversational English practice in our Cafe area. All levels welcome!

Registration is required, email [email protected] or call 610-666-6640 ex 0.

Adult Dungeons and Dragons

First Saturdays of the month from 1:00 – 4:00 pm

Time to break out your dice and roll for initiative! This session is for adults 19 years and older.

Registration is required, email [email protected].

Afternoon Book Discussion Group

Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm.

Please email Kevin Fennell at [email protected] for more information or to register.  All are welcome!

Evening Book Discussion Group

Meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:45pm.

Please email Library Director Marija Skoog at [email protected] to register.  All are welcome!

A Different Kind of Book Club

Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month at 6:30pm.

Broaden the variety of books you read and enjoy thoughtful discussion with members. Books are selected by membership and new members are always welcome. Please email Deb Duffy at [email protected] for more information.

Craft Wednesdays

Every Wednesday from 10:00 am – 12 noon

Bring your craft projects and join in with others for a friendly exchange of conversation while working on your craft. All are welcome!

Virtual Adult Yoga

Yoga taught by certified yoga instructor Kamini Patel via Zoom.

Cost: $5.00 Class times are as follows:

Monday Mindful Yoga at 4 pm using stability ball.

Tuesday chair Yoga at 2 pm

Wednesday Vinyasa yoga at 12 noon

Thursday Chair Yoga at 3 pm

Friday Yin yoga at 12 noon

Zoom ID    6568878396
Password  000816


Virtual Meditation Sessions

Meets Monday evenings via Zoom at 7:00 pm.

Experience the many benefits of meditation.  Taught by Roger Shaughnessy, YT-200.  Please contact Roger directly via email  with the subject line “Monday Night Meditation” at [email protected]

Please join us for FREE meditation sessions. Open to all levels. Bring your active mind and wear comfortable clothing.

In-Person Chair Yoga and Gentle Yoga for Adults

Taught in-person by certified yoga instructor Helen Mitchell.
Tuesday evenings.

Chair Yoga – Tuesdays at 5:45 pm.

This class is ideal for those who have limited range of motion AND anyone who would like to try yoga poses with modifications that allow you to get the benefits of a pose while sitting in any chair. Cost:$5.00

Gentle Yoga – Tuesdays at 6:45 pm.

This class is appropriate for all levels of practice and designed to allow you to clear your mind while moving, stretching, and strengthening your body.  Bring your own yoga mat. Cost:$5.00

Classic Games

Thursdays 12:00pm – 3:00 PM

Join us each Thursday to play and learn classic card and tile games! Bring your favorite game or come to learn and be social. Games include Canasta, Rummikub, Pinochle, and more! No registration required.


Meets every Tuesday from 12:00 pm until 3:00 pm.

All are welcome.

Memoir Writing Circle

Meets the 4th  Thursday of each month from 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm, in the community room.

This group meets once a month.  Members read aloud pieces prepared beforehand.  A monthly prompt is provided for inspiration, but there is no requirement to use it.  Members can write about anything they like.  Pieces may include memoir-style writing, essays, or even, occasionally, fiction.  This is not a “workshop” style group.   We meet simply to enjoy one another’s stories, although there is usually a brief comments/questions discussion following each reading.   The group is suitable for writers of all levels and experience.

This is an open and supportive group. Please contact Eileen Myers at [email protected] for more information or to become part of the group.

Senior Social Hour

Meets every Fourth Friday 10:30 am-12:00 pm

Join us once a month for Senior Social Hour! Get to know your neighbor in a casual setting with light refreshments, music, games, puzzles, chit-chat, and a monthly presentation or activity. Make new friends and find connections with your fellow senior patrons at the library.


Douglas Keene, the PA MEDI (Medicare Education and Decision Insight) coordinator for Montgomery County, wants our patrons to know that state-trained PA MEDI volunteer counselors have always offered free, unbiased easy-to-understand information about the best plans for health coverage for Medicare recipients. Counselors are available at (610) 834-1040 ext. 120 to return calls and assist people with their Medicare concerns. In addition, PA MEDI has put a number of informative Medicare presentations (and more) on their web site at  You can watch these presentations on your devices at your convenience.