Friends of the LPCL

The Friends of the Lower Providence Community Library, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the Lower Providence Community Library.  New Friends are always welcome!  Click here for membership information.

The Friends of the Lower Providence Community Library are now on Facebook. Click on the Facebook icon to “like” their page.


The Friends of The Library are currently meeting every Monday from 2:30-4:00pm for an informal work session back in the Book Sale Area.

Our Mission

The purpose of the Friends of the Lower Providence Community Library is to support the mission, vision, and philosophy of the Lower Providence Community Library. As a volunteer association of persons committed to supporting the Lower Providence Community Library, the Friends serve as liaisons between the community and the Library. The Friends will fulfill its purpose by conducting fund raising events, community activities, and advocacy programs to focus positive public attention on library resources, facilities, and services.

Since incorporating in 1997, the Friends have donated over $100,000 to the library. They have sponsored and participated in numerous programs and events including the following:

  • Ongoing used book sale — always open!  YOU can help by donating your gently used books or by being an Adopt-A-Shelf Volunteer.
  • Cabin Fever Used Book Sale
  • Grocery Rebate Program — YOU can help each time you shop at  Redners.
  • Annual Wine Tasting — Friends sponsor the Basket Raffle and 50/50 Raffle.
  • Sponsor the Teen Advisory Board (TAB).
  • Book bags and calendars for sale
  • Financial support for the Summer Reading Programs
  • Annual holiday music concert in the library
  • Recycle used books by donating to local facilities and charities

The Friends of the Lower Providence Community Library is a member of the Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends, and Foundations (ALTAFF), a division of the American Library Association and Pennsylvania Citizens For Better Libraries (PCBL). You can read the Friends bylaws here.

Questions?  E-mail Friends our President, Lisa Yanak .